Tuesday, August 31, 2010



Jesus, Mary and Joseph on a bicycle! (one of those family ones with 3 seats – JC can sit on the back and get away with not doing any pedaling) !!!

These shoes are out of control.

Ok, every female sneaker freak out there is going to hate me for saying this, but I am not actually a massive fans of girls in trainers. I would wear and own far far more than I do if I was a fan. Some girls can rock them and look both cool and sexy at the same time. I don’t fancy myself one of those girls.

HOWEVER, these Ninja Turtle Airmax 90s are next level. As a late 80s baby the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were my thing – I could be heard from age 4 to 12 shouting ‘Cowabunga’ all over the shop. And 90s are my favourite sexy trainer for boys OR girls to wear.

Oh man, I want these so freakin bad.



"They tell me don't trust a woman in this industry,
But she not any woman, more like a sacred friend to me."

Ahhhhhh Chingy. Beautiful beautiful Chingy.
What a lucky woman she is to be your 'sacred friend'.
***shaking my head

My super spunky and uber cool friend Dom Tronic and I actually went to the Chingy ‘concert’ when he was in Melbourne a couple of months ago.
*note: we did not PAY for the tickets
The venue was on the emptier side of half full and there were a bunch of total specimens in the room.
We waited through two support acts for the Chingster: one young Islander dude with an acoustic guitar, who played a beautiful few original tracks – but not very chingalicious. The second support act – oh where to begin?! A seven piece local hiphop group who rapped in american accents, mimed some of the singing bits, had an overweight Asian dude who seemed to think he actually WAS Lil Jon interjecting random lines here and there, and a girl crumping on the corner of the stage for what appeared to be no reason at all.
After being told nearly ten times that Chingy would be coming on soon – a good 2 and a half hours after we arrived, we were finally told excitedly by the MC that Chingy was “IN THE BUILDING!” but would be at least another 15 minutes because he was eating kfc out the back with his entourage. Way to squash some stereotypes.
We left before the Chingster even came out on stage in favour of getting the last tram home and not wasting $12 each on a taxi.

Can someone please tell me what the HELL is up with this cat's ears?

Friday, August 27, 2010


taxed the following off (melb gyal living in london) kayta hackman's blog - musings of a madwoman. check her at http://kaytahackman.com/

cute vid.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


At least Wu legend Raekwon isn't doing a track with Justin Bieber and Kanye West.
Oh wait. He is.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Flatmate only informed me of this official remix of Diddy's tune 'Hello, Good Morning' with Skepta this very morning. And now i can't stop listening to it. If Diddy's on Grime, there's something big going on.

I may be asking Skepta to marry me at some point in the near future. I'm sure he'll say no, but i gotta ask...



Nawwwwwwwww! Someone's been watching mummy or daddy screwface haaaard when a heavy bassline drops! I'm definitely teaching my brand new baby brother how to do this.
Because i love him.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Sunday, August 22, 2010


just a little slice of what i've been listening to of late.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I love dubstep but i freaking loathe drum n bass.
There. I said it.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


i'm really wondering what she's doing.... maybe she just needed a rest... *shrugs*


I saw this scribble in a toilet cubicle at university. unbelievable. i laughed so hard while sitting on the porcelain - and had to sheepishly wash my hands and rush out of the bathrooms due to the curious stares i got as i walked out of the cubicle. i mean, seriously? what was going through this person's head?
also notice someone took the time to draw a dinosaur. rad.


9 Milli comes hard with this track - melodic chorus been stuck in my head all night. Bloodline is actually on something a wee bit special of late. yum.


Super cool and yum biscuit/chocolate dip snack. Aside from the delicious fun-ness of yan yan, the messages written on the biscuit are out of control.
My personal faves from this batch? Squirrel - Your best friend, and Panda - Go for more!

Monday, August 16, 2010


I spend all the time i possibly can in my bed. Here are five things i have found IN my bed in the last month:
1. a spoon
2. a half roll of toilet paper
3. a real estate agent's - one whom i have never met - business card
4. the warranty to a watch i purchased about 5 weeks ago
5. an allen key