Monday, December 13, 2010


Last was a pretty intense and random weekend for me...
For starters, i am homeless...... and have been for two months...... i stay with my family in the country (and that's where all my stuff is) a couple of nights a week, but as i work and play in melbourne, i am on couches the rest of the time... kind of fun, kind of shit. But when NYC is the light at the end of the tunnel i don't really give a fuck!

Went to the Clipse show at melbourne venue the Prince last thursday night, alongside sexpot friend Yumcha and producer genius MPhazes, and courtesy of all round (coolest dude i have ever met in my life) New York mane Ferris Bueller. The show was pretty hot, the crowd loved them, and Yumcha and i loved Pusha's crazy eyes.

Met a few new peeps at the show, and ended up spending the rest of the weekend with Kano and Bashy (UK) who were in town supporting Gorillaz. Now, i am a young lass who is quite into my uk music..... HOWEVER, i have to be honest and say that in the two - maybe 3 - years i have been listening to grime i have barely listened to either of these guys. I definitely heard a little bit of Kano's 2008 release '140 Grime Street' while i was living in London, and i had a few Bashy tracks on an old (and now deceased) mp3 player, but really, i didn't know what these guys were about.

After hanging out with them, i thought i should do a little more research into their music, and was pleasantly surprised on both counts. Here are my favourite tracks i've come across so far:

above track is from 2004, but let's be honest, it's ridiculous.

above is a 2009 release

Here are a few random things i learnt about these two while i was hanging out with them: Bashy is fucking hilarious, down to earth, doesn't drink alcohol, and can fly kick a man in the face. Kano is quietly enigmatic UNTIL he is drunk, when he is very loud and animated, doesn't eat cheese or like dogs (my two favourite things in the world - ouch!), and is happy to accommodate gypsy women.
Both are gentlemen, like pies, and wearing sockettes (so you can't see the any part of the sock out the top of the trainer). Good to know.

i ALSO hung out with Booty Brown of LEGENDARY california based group the Pharcyde a lil bit over the weekend. Now THAT was an honour and a half. Looking forward to linking with the man when i am in LA. Way too many Pharcyde tracks to put here.... debated for aaaages which to choose:

make sure you check out 'passin me by' 'drop' and 'she said' while you're at it.

Always good to meet new people, especially when they've got good souls and are not dickheads. They only have Sydney, Brisbane and NZ to go before the tour is over - get out and see them if you're anywhere nearby.

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