Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Flatmate Fraksha recently got me addicted to – nay obsessed with – the HBO series ‘Oz’. I know it’s an oldie but we’ve been watching it religiously for the past couple of weeks now, and I feel to start a cult devoted to it I love it that much.

Unsurprisingly, the crush whore in me has had my eye on many a felon in the Oswald Correctional facility. Notable among my loves is my pedo crush on the obnoxious 17 year old Kenny Wangler, obscure crush on lunatic but deep down good guy Miguel Alvarez, and my creepy crush on rapist/murderer ‘Snake’.
The paddy blood in me trumps all other crushes though, with my devotion to Irish cheekster Ryan O’Reily conquering all.

I don’t know exactly what it is about this guy, but I seriously adore him. Sarcastic, cheeky, devoted, intelligent, selfish, sneaky, manipulative, funny, and kinda handsome, he seems to be a lot of things I look for in a man. Ok, well, maybe minus a couple of those qualities. Regardless of the fact he is completely fictional, I love him and he is going straight into the future husband files.

I highly recommend you watch Oz, people. In my opinion it’s not as intricate as the Wire, and probably not quite as good a quality show, but it is ludicrously entertaining and perhaps more addictive - even if it does have a few unnecessarily wacky and supernatural bits, and a little bit too much wang on show. I heard recently that Fraksha is a big fan of wang though, maybe that’s why he got into it again. OK I kid, I kid, but the show is sick. Watch it.

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